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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day fire at St. Francis

St Francis like we knew it - October 2008

A fire broke out at St. Francis Bay today - again.  25 Dember 2012

The St. Francis Chronicle reports on its website that the fire was at no 5 Canal Road.  It says the fire started as the people who are renting it for the holidays, including foreign, visitors, were about to settle down for Christmas lunch.

The blaze was spreading rapidly as strong south westerly winds were fanning it.
Many houses in the area had thatched roofs.

Update: According to Eye Witness News, one house had  been gutted and four others damaged.

Ruins of the 11 November 2012 fire
Taken on 16 December 2012

More than 70 thatch-roofed homes in the holiday town caught alight on Sunday the 11th of November, causing damage amounting to hundreds of millions of rands. the fire was being fanned by a strong wind.

No reports of injuries were received.

More pictures of the runes: taken on 16 Dec 2012
(click for bigger view)

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