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Friday, December 7, 2012

Seaview Hotel "Jewel of the Ocean"

 6 December 2012

 "Land-bound Titanic....The Seaview Hotel : "Jewel of the Ocean"

Visited Seaview at sunset to get a photo of this historical site.  The Seaview Hotel, "Jewel of the Ocean", (also known as the Minetti Hotel in earlier days) is a heritage site and of historical importance to the city. She  is, as Blogger Axe wrote: "like a crew-less ghost ship, hovering in the place where it used to be a crown jewel, now nothing but a tarnished remnant of the gem it once was."

For those who do not know, The Seaview Hotel was auctioned off to the Kat Leisure Group for R15.4-million in 2007,  and  "has continued to deteriorate and according to residents is becoming a breeding ground for vermin." according to Weekend Post.

The Manager's Office

According to Axe, this was the office of the manager, situated on the top floor. "We used to call it "The Tower Room" because it was the only one facing the ocean that had this circular window."

She visited the hotel in 2008 and had a quick peek inside! The part of her story where she tells about the radio, playing in the famous hotel Bar, The Corel... crackling every now and then like an old AM Frequency would, arouse my curiosity and I find it facinating!  Like she says... there is no electricity!

The hotel previously belonged to Dutchman Bob de Ronde, who ran it through a company called Jewel of the Ocean Hotel (Pty) Ltd.

If you have photo's of the hotel while it was still in operation, consider contributing to this article, with full credit of course.

Any "Seaview Hotel by night" photo's out there?

Anyone know how old this Hotel is?

Click for bigger view

Spookstories: HOTEL HELL
Weekend Post


  1. I have a few photos who must I send them too

  2. Fantastic! I will email you, can't wait to see them :-)

    1. We lived at Seaview Hotel in mid fifties for about five years. For a while it was re-named The White Elephant Hotel. It was in good condition then. The room next to the bar was called The Oyster Bar where people could order fresh oysters and sea crabs direct from the ocean. Also there was a dinner dance every Saturday night with a live band. Very sad to see the condition now and no swimming pool!!

    2. We lived a Seaview Hotel in mid fifties for about five years. The room next to the bar was called the Oyster Bar where people could order fresh oysters and crabs direct from the ocean. At one stage it was also called The White Elephant Hotel. Very sad to see the state of it now. Also the swimming pool is gone!!

  3. My father was managing director of the Seaview Hotelin the mid fifties. There were two other directors. What a shame it has been left to ruin and what happened to the pool!!!.

  4. it was demolished today

  5. yes, it was sad to see :-/ will post pics later in the week. Also made a small video. Were you there?

    1. yes and i wanted to weep at the sight of such a magical building being destroyed. i just hope that they are not given permission to erect their proposed monstrosity which will not fit into the character of this area at all.

  6. Hi everyone, would appreciate some pictures as well if you still have - old and new - drove past it a few years ago but never really took any pictures. Sad that it has been demolished. Anyone know what might be happening here in the future? And know the story why it was abandoned in the first place? Thanks
