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Friday, December 21, 2012

Road to Sardinia Bay

The Road to Sardinia Bay parking lot is no more...

Sardinia Bay, situated between Schoenmakerskop and Sea View, is accessed by traveling along Sardinia Bay Road. Over the years authorities have struggled to keep the sand dunes in check and have recently given up the battle, leaving the dunes to take their natural course.  Thousand of Rands has been spent on moving sand off the roadway, and it has all been in vain. "To keep on doing it would be wasting public funds"

According to an aticle posted in 2009 ( "The Environmentalists evidently warned ten years ago that the dune would eventually envelop the road. It has now happened. In fact, the sand dune moved 5metres in the past year. Every strong westerly wind moves it even more. Long term forecasts are that the dunes will soon cover the toilet block and within a few years the lifesaving clubhouse will be under threat."

This is a photo I took in 2008... The toilet block is now long gone!

Getting to the beach is still possible by climbing the sand dunes or to take the boardwalk.  Still worth the trouble, the beach is as beautiful as ever!  The beach is frequented by sand boarding enthusiasts, surfers, kite surfers and locals also flock to Sardinia Bay to walk their dogs or to ride their horses along the beach.

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